Rosie: "Can I pet your baby?"
(Conversation during a family home evening lesson)
Grandma Rose: "What about your dress makes it modest?"
Rory: "You know, 'cause it's not all boobs and stuff."
(During a tutoring session with my nephew as he was reciting the Preamble)
Jess: "...provide for the common defense, promote the general conference..." (instead of 'promote the general welfare')
(After dropping something in sacrament meeting)
Rory: "Oh s*@t!" (oops....)
(Conversation between my niece and nephew in the car)
Seth: "Rory, why aren't you copying me?"
Rory: "Because I didn't want to exturb you."
(While taking a shower with his mom and staring up at her in awe with adoring eyes)
(While taking a shower with his mom and staring up at her in awe with adoring eyes)
Elias: "Mom, your bosoms are SO big."
My nephew Jacob was put in a time out and was screaming and crying in the time-out room. All of a sudden he screamed out, "Help! Help!" Danielle, (his mom) upon hearing this urgent plea and thinking something was horribly wrong, went into the room to check on Jacob. As she opened the door & peered in he whined, "I want cupcakes! I want cupcakes!" (His time-out had nothing to do with cupcakes). Danielle rolled her eyes and shut the door.
(Hope I got that right, Danielle :)
(After getting in trouble for scratching her aunt's car with a rock)
Becky: "Rory, what did you do to Leanna's car?"
Rory: (looking up from her coloring book and pausing) "Scratch."
Wendy: "Rosie, where are your panties?"
Rosie: (matter-of-factly) "They're peep-ded." (meaning, they're peed in).
Danielle: (pointing to a picture of Jesus) "Who's this Jacob?"
Jacob: "Jesus. Jesus Woodbury."
Sylvie: "Mom, why are mom's bums so humongous?"
Rory: "Mom, your bum is bigger than ANYTHING."
and the mother of all funny comments......
My 5 year old (at the time) nephew Elias was talking to me & Jordan while at a family dinner party. He was rambling on about Spiderman, and Jordan & I both noticed that he all of a sudden started adjusting himself in the bum area. In mid-sentence, he interrupts himself and says...
"You know, sometimes my bum sticks together, and I have to split it."